Apr 1, 2023
The Joy of Computer History Books

When I was a child, growing up in the 80s, I read pretty much anything I could find about computers. There was not a lot translated to French. I even read the MS-DOS Version 5 Reference Guide. The cover was dry and the content was not very tasty either.

To be fair, history was still in the making and there was not much to write about. But the least I can say is that time has made it up to me. There are so many good books now. Reading them is a great source of joy.

My favorite computer books
My favorite books

To make it to my list of favorites, a book should have at least one of these attributes.

The current list


Before moving to PC. I had an Atari 520 STe. I completely missed the beautiful Amiga. Luckily this is a field particularly well covered.

Not an history book but noteworthy nonetheless, the "Hardware Reference Manual" is a beauty.

Origin System Inc (OSI)

Back in the 90s, OSI was the coolest video-games company. Even their motto "We Create Worlds" rocked.

Computer Culture


